⚠️ SECURITY TIP: One Detroit Credit Union staff will never ask for your personal information or online banking login over the phone or via email.

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VISA Credit Cards

Great rates, security and rewards, all from the credit union you trust

Convenient, Safe and Easy to Use 

Use your card for purchases everywhere VISA is accepted online or in-store. At home or traveling abroad, you’re protected against unauthorized charges in case your card is ever lost or stolen.

Offers and Perks

Discover our wide variety of everyday savings and exclusive offers.

  • No Annual Fees
  • A 25-Day Grace Period*
  • Great Rates
  • VISA Secured, VISA Classic or VISA Gold options
  • Travel Discounts
  • Eyewear Discounts


Find the card that's right for YOU

Apply once and our experts will match you with the card that best fits your needs

VISA Secured VISA Classic VISA Gold
Great for building credit history Great for earning points for everyday purchases Great for higher spending limits and greater purchasing power


Apply Now Button VISA           click here to check your application status


Apply online using our mobile app

app store button     google play button


For VISA customer service or to report a card lost or stolen, call (800) 237-6211.


*VISA will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of your statement closing date. For more details, please review the Credit Line Account Agreement & Disclosure

Scorecard Rewards

Find out how ScoreCard Rewards work!

VISA Gift Cards

  • Provides complete flexibility and convenience
  • Can be sent directly to the recipient, or sent to the gift giver
  • You can choose the denomination
  • Purchase exactly what they want
  • No more gifts that are the wrong size, wrong color, or just plain wrong!
  • Click Here to learn more!