Save To Win
What is Save to Win?
It's a very different Share Certificate account now available at many credit unions, including One Detroit Credit Union. It is designed to making saving fun, allowing you to start with as little as $25 and then awarding you with chances to win cash prizes as your balance increases. Additional deposits are allowed during the term of this special Share Certificate.
How are prize entries calculated?
For every $25.00 increase in month over month balance, the certificate owner will earn one entry (up to 10 entries ($250) per month/30 entries per quarter) into the savings raffle. The Save to Win savings raffle begins on January 1, 2025 and ends December 31, 2025, however certificates will mature 12 months after account opening.
What are the prizes?
The real prize is the nice savings balance you will build as you make regular deposits to your Save to Win account each month. But to make things exciting, there are monthly and quarterly cash prizes. All Save to Win account holders at participating credit unions will be eligible to win the Central monthly and quarterly cash prizes as follows:
How do I open an account?
Simply visit any One Detroit branch or call (313) 965-8640 to start saving to win TODAY! It's a Win-Win situation!