⚠️ SECURITY TIP: One Detroit Credit Union staff will never ask for your personal information or online banking login over the phone or via email.

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Seymour Bucks

To help children learn the benefits of saving at an early age, we have a Share Savings account designed for those under the age of 13. Kids can receive a $5 deposit once their savings punch card is full (1 punch earned for $5 minimum deposit per day). They can also earn $.50 for each "A" or "S" received in major subjects on current report cards.

Learning resources for kids

At One Detroit Credit Union, we value the education of children and are happy to provide resources we feel will help them with math and understanding the value of money and the monetary systems that affect our lives each day.

We have reviewed the following links to the best of our ability and find them suitable. However, we are not the administrators of these sites, therefore we can not be held responsible for their content.

Young Investors

The Math Forum

A+ Math

For the Older Crowd

Designed for teens and young adults aged 13-26, a Young Detroit Checking Account can help give you a sense of freedom and independence while gaining real-world experience managing their finances. Click here to learn more about Young Detorit Checking

CreditUnionRocks.com is an award winning site that provides financial resources for young people age 16-25 Whether you are planning for college, starting your first job, getting married, or buying your first home - you'll find great tips to help financially prepare yourself.