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Online Loan Paymentsonline-loan-payments

Ready to make your life easier? You can make one-time and recurring loan payments online using approved payment methods. 

Get Started

To make a payment, click the button below to be directed to our payment portal. 

make a payment

Once you're there, click on "Express Pay" to make a one-time payment, or click "Register" to sign up for recurring payments. 

You will need to have the following information handy:

  • Member Number
  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Last four digits of your Social Security Number

Is there a charge for online loan payments?

Yes, there is a $5 fee for one-time payments. 

There is no fee ($0) for recurring payments. You'll need to register for this to avoid the one-time-payment fees.

Which Payment Methods Can I Use?

We know it's important for you to have options when paying your bills. Choose from any of the following payment methods to make an online loan payment. 

1. ACH withdrawals from Savings or Checking account. 

2. Debit Cards Accepted:

  • VISA
  • Mastercard

3. Credit Cards Accepted:

  • Mastercard
  • Discover

How long will it take for my payment to go through?

Payments made via ACH will be posted to your account on the following business day. Payments made with a credit or debit card may take up to two business days to post to your account. Please leave enough processing time to ensure your payment posts to your account by your due date. 

Oops! My payment is late. Can I still make an online loan payment?

Yes! You can make online loan payments even if your account is delinquent. We want it to be as easy as possible for you to make on-time payments and keep track of your finances. 

I still have questions. Can you help?

We'd be happy to! Please give us a call at (313) 965-8640.